Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It must be Spring!

Walking home from the pub the other night I stole some locquats off a tree hanging over someones fence. When the branch sprang back a couple of flying fox were frightened off into the night sky.
I delighted in biting into the super tart flesh. Rolling the smooth brown seed around my mouth.
Remembering climbing up to gather this juicy yellow fruit, from the tree that hung over my childhood chook-shed.

In the front garden Mr M has helped me plant some lavender. It's taken well, and is enjoying the season change, with new buds poking through. I show the flowers to the dogs, who think it smells good enough to eat, and try to taste a bit.
I had snuck a few sunflower seeds into the edge of the garden bed and now they're pushing up their fleshy stems and leaves in pairs.

The jasmine is in full glorious bloom around the neighbourhood, and I can't go on a walk to the corner store without filching some from the overflowing masses hanging from back brick walls and garages.

The clover is flowering. Round, white tufts poking up through the tiny hillocks of rapidly growing clover leaves. Any moment now I can see myself stopping on the footpath and collecting enough for my first clover wreath of the season.

The neighbour is 'blitzing' her front and back yards while her girlfriend is away. Dutifully walking the fluffy dogs, and arranging cute 'cottage' furniture on the patio. Awaiting her lovers return.

Aah yes folks.
The fruit is ripening, plants are growing, the flowers are blooming, and the dykes are nesting.
It must be Spring!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My pansies are starting to bloom too - the ones that Mr M and yourself very kindly got for me a little ago!

Ms R

12:07 pm  

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