Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, August 28, 2006

I live a charmed life

Nothing much has ever gone wrong.
Sure, floods, famine and divorce.
Infidelity, abortion and a propensity for falling over in a most spectacular fashion.
Throw in a few household moves, requisite crazy relos, and a lack of fondness for exercise.
But that's as bad as it gets really.

I know I'm pretty lucky.
Especially as there's been not many deaths.

A grandparent when I was a child.
A schoolyard crush
An old boss
A partners grandparent
2 workmates
An email friend
Another partners grandparent
A friend of a friend

And now tomorrow.

I'm going to my first funeral tomorrow.
Fancy getting to 30 without a funeral.
Going to one, I mean.

Anyway. I'm kinda weirded out.
It could be because it's new and different and I don't know what's going to happen.
It could be the 'meet the extended family thing'.
It could be that the fat free gingerbread bikkies I made for the wake have turned out like the love child of a cardboard mother and a sandstone father. Or 2nd mother. Or.

Oh whatever.
I'm going to bed now.


Blogger Miss Y said...

Thanks babe.
Sadly the gingerbread is a dud recipe - though some people seemed to enjoy it.
I think I shall grind up the remainders and use them for the base of this fat free vegan cheesecake recipe I have.
Though of course - I am possibly tempting fate.

And thanks for the Nix-link.
xx -Y

10:16 pm  

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