Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Queer Art, Queer art, Queerart, Qart!

Yesterday Miss R and myself sat in the park in the hot afternoon sun and did some cross-stitch and drank beer.
My mother thinks that's truly decadent behaviour.
I think it should be a regular event.

Then we talked with Miss B and Miss K at the pub, about setting up a drawing circle. Informal and lighthearted but a great excuse to be social and do a bit of art.

I mentioned that, despite not being a dedicated watcher of TV shows, (given half a chance I will flick channels continuously), I am a fan of this show (when I remember when it's on).

Then we tried to convince Miss B to enter a drawing in the upcoming Qart (Queer Art) show.

So here's a call to any of you gentle readers who may have artworks that you would wish to exhibit. Get cracking and let us know.
Sure it's run by bisexuals - but be reassured that we don't mind giving some wall/plinth space to monosexuals either. Hell, we don't mind what sexuality you are, or aren't, just join in the festivities when they come around.
I'll post a link to more detailed info on entering your works a little later.

Qart is being held in a gallery space this time, so we aren't constrained by the gentle censorship of a cafe.
Although an art show in a cafe is a wonderful thing for exposure.
And a gallery show - while it does not get the same passing 'trade' - does give a chance for the filthier works to get seen.
I'd like to hope that Bi-NSW will be able to manage 2 shows a year, to cover both bases.

Now all I have to do is finish designing and stitching my cross-stitch Qart entry.
Wish me luck.


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