Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Families (tm)

Tomorrow is that "National Day of Action" Marriage Equality Rally.
Friends are wondering if I'm going along.
I toyed with the idea of painting up a sign saying:

I wanna marry my tranny
whatever their birth certificate says!

But do want to get married?
Do I join in to support those who do?
Do I waffle on for a page here on the pro's and cons of the debate and bore you all senseless?

Anyway. No rally for me tomorrow.
'Cos tomorrow is a happy families day! My partner and I are looking after his god-daughter, and hopefully catching up with his brother.

Married or not. We create our own families within our communities. There may be legal brick walls here and there, and this is sad.
But we mustn't forget that we create our own worlds.
Whatever the arguments for establishing an equal legal footing for queer relationship recognition, I just hope people argue for what should happen. Rather than taking the victim stance of 'my life is fucked up and it's the governments fault'.

And p.s. - while we're arguing for equal rights 'n' all - how about remembering that discrimination on the basis of bisexuality isn't covered in NSW.
Gay? Lesbian? Trans? Assumed to be any of these three?
You're sweet.
Sorry mate.

There's a whole segment of the queer community out there who are legally unprotected from basic discrimination regarding their sexuality.
Kinda puts the whole marriage thing into a bit of perspective, doesn't it kids.


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