Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I have a friend who has allowed me to join them when they go to get their testosterone pellets implanted.
3 times now.

It's a fabulous procedure that involves local anasthetic, scissor-things to open the cut in the skin, punchy tube-things that they push into the muscle, and stick-things that they use to tamp the pellets (as you would with shot in old guns/muskets).

The first time I went, I tried to not get in the way and consequently didn't see much.
When the staff explained, on the 2nd visit, that it's not for the squeamish and that I may faint, my friend told them not to worry 'cos "...she's a bit weird".
Now I've been a 3rd time I probably should stop going along.
I think the staff are a bit suss on me. They were talking about Sadism.
If I go along another time it's just gonna be plain odd.

In good news (sorta): I resisted the impulse to lift much medical equipment while they were out of the room!

In related-ish news: there's a stall at the Rozelle markets that has old dental tools for sale. Mirrors on sticks, clampy scissor-things, scraping tools. Oh boy.
I don't have a dentist-fear-thing happening myself - but imagine the head-fuck possibilities in a scene with someone who did!


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