Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, October 01, 2007

long weekending

Aah. I visit that Facebook thingo, but usually end up just looking at the screen bemused.
I think I prefer a blogs simple joy of text in sentences in a straight line.
Started the long weekend early because I just couldn't face work on Friday. Normally love it. But was a drag of a week and I had nothing rostered on so rang in with the non-commital words "I'm not going to be able to make it in today I'm afraid". Hmm, will ahve to think of a reason before 8am tomorrow eh.

Had a marvellous night last night. Gurlesque then Bad Dog. Enjoyed wearing the new vest I'd deconstructed. And I think the less girly look went a way to getting a few more looks than normal *weeee*.
Funnily enough, the vest, pleated skirt and boots was almost the same outfit that a butch friend was wearing.
Saw many social crushes about which was yummy. But think my brain couldn't put it all together and decided to switch off, and I couldn't co-ordinate sentences (still having trouble typing here) and kept wanting to go to sleep. *aargh*
Home by dawn. Crashed for a few hours, and am now wide awake and wanting to talk. But there's no-one about - even the dog is fast asleep. It's hot, windy, dry and sunny and I keep imagining that if I stepped out onto King St it would be deserted like a post apocalyptic landscape. Will go hunting-gathering soon, but am faintly scared.
Strange post-party brain *grins*


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