Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Friday, August 05, 2005

buses and tears - again.

What is is about me travelling home from work. It must be a bloody soap opera for the other passengers.
This time I fell over again. Gah! I'm sick of it. Falling, falling, all the time falling.
The bus was packed to the absolute gills, I could barely squeeze past folks to get out. But then missed a step and suddenly was on the floor. How all those people, so tightly squeezed in, could suddenly make so much room that all my body found the floor I will never work out.
Still, my skirt didn't fly up and my stockings didn't rip and my bag didn't spill open.
But my oh my I'm bruised and sore.

The kindness of strangers: Earlier in the city, getting on the bus, a lady was rushing rushing, and instead of getting stroppy with her (I was in an antsy after-work mood), I stepped aside and let her in the queue. This paid off - for she was the one who picked me up off the floor of the bus later.

Good news: *Yeay* I'm on holidays! Only for a week, and I'll probably end up doing a fair bit of community work during them. But the point is I can have a break from the workplace. Man I'm knackered.
Still, in two weeks time we'll be back to full strength staffing in my team; renovations will be finished for now and outreach storytimes will have ceased. So I'll have time and resources to spend on BIG BRAND NEW PROJECTS! *claps hands* I'm excited already. I love new projects!

Things I'm going to do this week:
- Go to the Blue Mountains for a couple of days with my man.
- Go to Birdsalls and buy leather and buckles and things for crafty projects.
- Finish restoring the tiny cabinet Mr M and I picked up at the secondhand store.
- Domestic goddess duties (baking, cleaning windows, etc).
- Go to a uniform party *note to self: where am I going to get a uniform? Anyone have any ideas? It's tomorrow night. Backup plan is school uniform. But that's a tad naff and I did something similar the weekend before last.
- Write up menus for the fundraising kissing/spanking booth for September Hellfire.
- Lie around and read lots.


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