Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, July 18, 2005

Fetish hippy.

Clothing crisis day three was the usual pre-event panic. Amongst the contenders was the goth-girl buckle dress with knee-high boots. But I remembered that there's reasons why I've only worn that outfit twice. I started sewing the brocade until I realised how optimistic (aka foolish) that idea was. So I did a Sportsgirl special. White silk and cotton top (Sportgirl) under a red damask underbust corset (Serpentine) and my fave boxpleated leather skirt (Sportgirl) and maryjanes from the kiddies shoe store 'cos my feet are too small for grownups shoes.

Had a great night at Hellfire. Chatted and touched base with a lot of folks. Danced heaps which was great. Some people said they didn't like the music. Bah! It was fine. I even spun a few people around the dancefloor upstairs to some Sinatra, etc.
Post-Hellfire it seems that the world is shrinking again. Everyone seems to know everyone. Makes for interesting stories over Saturday, Sunday beers.

Before Hellfire I did some bindrunes on Miss M's arms, which was pretty cool. I used to do a lot of runework when I was a wee thing (though not of the bloody kind *grins*) so it was interesting what came back to me.
Oh and related to this flashback stuff - the jasmine has just started to flower again on Sunday. I smelt it and my childhood came rushing back and smacked me in the face.
Add to this the idea of going up north again to visit my sister in my holidays soon and visiting old stomping grounds. I'm starting to wonder what the universe is trying to point out to me.

The rest of the weekend passed in a rush of late breakfasts in cafes and assorted birthday drinks in pubs and thai meals.
I think I'm gonna sleep well tonight.


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