Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

clothing crisis. Day 1.

What am I going to wear on Friday?
I'm being good by not leaving decisions to the last minute - but it's got me all in a tizz.
I need new dress-ups! I want to get a new corset from Serpentine - but I want my own material, so it'll take a while to make, and that doesn't help me for this weekend.
I could cut up my purple leather skirt and try and make it do something different.
Maybe I need a theme to work to?
Maybe a shiny glittery theme to go with a piece of jewellery my gorgeous man gave me?

We're reclaiming Hellfire. I've not been for ages...well...except for last month. But I was performing so didn't really chill. Actually I hid in the 'dressing room' (AKA accessible toilet) for the first half of the night, with nerves.
And it's soooo many peoples birthdays: Miss M, Miss J, Butch N, Miss L, Mr H, another Miss L's sister. Who else? Oh I can't remember.
Bloodlust is rising again. But hopefully Miss M still wants me to do a cutting. It could be a Happy Birthday cutting!
Hmmm, all this typing isn't helping. I go look through the dressup box now.


Blogger Ali H said...

Birthday cuttings!
Blood lust!
(best you all make sure I leave Sydney, if I leave again, a cut and bloody mess!)
You will find something, and look marvellous, I just know it. Have a dance for me!

3:39 am  

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