Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

singing the weekend song

Aaaaah. The weekend.
And it's actually feeling like a weekend and doing weekend things to my head. Like relaxing me and chilling me out and a being a breather from work and other such joys.

Yesterday arvo found me at the footy with wonderful friends and a cold KB (too cold at one time - KB slushies aren't as much fun as you'd think).
Miss A was a vision in loveliness. So much so that we had to forgive the non-team colours she was wearing. But then, no-one does pink as well as she does. And hey, she brought the most delicious wee guiness/coffee/chocolate cupcakes ever, with her as well.

Then onto the pub for another, inbetween patting the Scammer-dog and crocheting.
We all wandered our separate ways into the night, myself up to my brothers' new place for a wee housewarming.
In true innerwest style, his flatmate are friends of friends. So he's close in both place and connections to our big queer family. Which is a good place for a young man straight from the country to be.

Then home to catch up with my boy and dog. On the couch (not the dog) eating a hot apple pastizzi for desert and watching mindless telly before crashing out.

Today I am looking forward to heading to the markets later this morning. I'm looking for a port. Not a suitcase. A port. Remember calling them that when we were kids?
I'm thinking that would be a good way of stashing all the many balls of wool I've been acquiring.
Then later today more friends and beer and possibly more crocheting.
*claps hands*
Life is good.


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