Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, November 07, 2004

dancey dancey

Strange day yesterday. Got a bit fretful as I was getting stuff together for Biversity decos, but chilled once I was there.
Miss Z was great at putting stuff together, and Mr L got stuck right in too. If anyone needs creative folks on a team to make it all work 'right', these two come highly recommended!
We all got it sorted in the end, and the place looked a lot less lounge and a bit more club, by the time we'd finished.
Thanks and thanks go to Mr P for organising the night. It was the right mix of cool and dirty. Not many of the grotty sleazies that have been known to turn up at this event in the past. Not so packed that it was hard to find room...but could've done with a few more people. A crowd is always good for variety in eye-candy, keeping the space warm and noisy, and being able to lose folks in the crowd if needed *grins*.
Sveta seemed to have been trying out a few new things with us. Makes sense, seeing as it wasn't her usual fanclub audience, and a smaller venue. So we only had a few of her fave tracks, and then she slipped into more trance-y breaks. Though I crashed and didn't make it to the end of her set/the party.
Mr M, Miss Z and I overwhelmed a gaggle of straight girls for the next available cab *he he* ...the advantages of looking like trashed freaks :-)

Earlier yesterday, the boy and I went to an FTMA meeting. I know I can be a social bee sometimes, but I was so damn nervous. And any confidence ran away the moment we arrived and everyone looked at us without saying anything *frowns*.
Then after the talking...which was very interesting, apart from the constant sound of Mr B's voice...I felt like a total fish out of water at the social bit. Where ever I stood, conversations spilt in two away from me, and I was totally stuck for words. Maybe I'll go to another one, but I'll have to psyche myself up a bit beforehand. Mr M's and ?M's idea of hitting the pub beforehand seems to be a great idea in hindsight!
Was glad to run away.
As for inviting Mr D to join us at Biversity after the meeting...I think that's another story, another day. Suffice to say that at 3am, standing under a speaker during Sveta's set having lost my voice and having a remarkable urge to drag my boy into a dark corner - I really didn't want to have a conversation! Again!*sighs*


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